2018 MaryLou Finigan Award

Several years ago, Festival President Mat Nelson came up with the idea to recognize Junction City’s local businesses. The idea was to highlight a local business in the community that goes above and beyond to help the Scandinavian Festival and their town.

Originally called the President’s Business Award, it was changed to the MaryLou Finigan President’s Award. A former Scandinavian President, MaryLou, was thought of by the board to encompass the spirit behind this award with her passion, drive, and love for her community.

This year, the award goes to Junction City Farm and Garden (JCFG). This store has been a staple business in Junction City for decades. Locally owned and operated by Doug and Marci Wodtli and crew, JCFG has been committed over the years to help in their community when and where they can. Throughout the year, they donate their time and goods to different events and groups.

The Wodtlis have a huge sense of community pride, volunteering to help with school functions and other community events like the Pet Parade, Function 4 Junction, and the Scandinavian Festival. Over the years, the Wodtlis became very familiar with the Scandinavian Festival. They have spent many years watching their own children, as well as their employees’ children, dance and volunteer at the Festival; eventually they became part of the membership as well.

JCFG has always been willing to help or donate when asked by the Festival Association, or whenever they may have seen a void that needed to be filled. Over the years, they have been a valuable resource for things like rubber mats, pallets and other items that are needed by not only the Festival Association, but also by different vendors and organizations. On top of that, there have been several years that JCFG has taken on selling the flower pots at their store if they do not all sell on the Monday after Festival.

So much more than a small town feed store, JCFG offers a wide range of products for everything from pet food, vaccinations, hay, feed and grain, livestock supplies, propane, clothing and shoes, fertilizer and garden supplies, fencing supplies, kids toys, jewelry, and so much more!

Come on down to Junction City to stop in at this great little store. Say hello to their friendly staff and see what you might find in this little gem of a shop!