Junction city Scandinavian Festival Awards
The Scandinavian Festival has many great traditions, from music to food, entertainment to crafts, and costumes to artwork. These traditions are kicked off by Opening Ceremonies with the raising of the flags, anthems and presenting our awards. The annual awards given are: Distinguished Service Award, MaryLou Finigan President's Award and Gale Fletchall Lifetime Achievement Award. At this time we also present the winner of the St. Lucia Scholarship.

The Gale Fletchall Award
The Gale Fletchall Award was instituted to recognize citizens or organizations within our community who have given a lifetime of service to the Scandinavian Festival.
Distinguished Service Award
The Distinguished Service Award was created to recognize individuals who have donated seasons, sometimes years of service to the Scandinavian Festival.
MaryLou Finigan President's Business Award
The MaryLou Finigan President’s Business Award was established to honor a local business that goes above and beyond to help the Scandinavian Festival.

previous award recipients
MaryLou Finigan President’s Business Award
August 11, 2022
The Mary Lou Finigan President’s Business Award is presented to…
Distinguished Service Award
August 11, 2022
The Distinguished Service Award is annually awarded to an individual…
Saint Lucia Scholarship Award
August 11, 2022
Every year the Scandinavian Cultural Foundation awards a $1000 scholarship…
MaryLou Finigan President’s Business Award
August 11, 2022
The Mary Lou Finigan President’s Business Award is presented to a local business that has shown their dedication and support…
Distinguished Service Award
August 11, 2022
The Distinguished Service Award is annually awarded to an individual or organization that has gone above and beyond in serving…
Saint Lucia Scholarship Award
August 11, 2022
Every year the Scandinavian Cultural Foundation awards a $1000 scholarship to a local high school senior who has demonstrated outstanding…