It’s nearly here. The time of year that so many children and parents alike look forward to. Those warm evening nights, sprawled on your picnic blanket, snacks and drinks at the ready for the excited children who are starting summer dance practice, and new friendships, too!
We love this time of year and know you do, too — all 300+ of you! With an average of 275 kids participating each year, and an adult or two for each one, our stage and lawn fill up quickly, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.
So, when is it happening this year?
Starting June 24th, 2019
FREE dance classes for school children ages 2 and up
Festival Park Stage, across from 195 W 5th Avenue in Junction City
Dancers should wear closed-toed shoes that have a strap around the back — if a child loses a shoe, stubbed toes hurt, and trip hazards are a real thing with these young kids. As for what to bring:
We’ll see you there!