
Transport yourself
When you walk into Festival, you enter a nineteenth-century Scandinavian village with period costumes and historic shopfronts.
This is what makes our festival unique: not just the look and feel which are a celebration of this specific moment in time, but our community of people who participate. The booths, the costumes, the products, all play a vital role in helping tell this story.
The Festival has a community of guests that’s been coming for over 60 years, and our vendors routinely report that this is their favorite event and among the most profitable of their year.


Costume requirements
The Festival has a dress code and booth requirements. This ensures that the look and feel of the environment is that of a 1800’s Nordic village. You can find detailed costume guidelines below.

The Process
How to Vend with us
1. Contact
Email our vendor chair, who will send you an invitation to jury. If you’re a returning vendor with new items, we will send an invitation to the address we have on file for you.
2. Juries
We hold jurying sessions for new vendors and for new product types from returning vendors. There you will demo your products and answer questions about your process; we will also chat with you about the booth and costume you’re planning and how that aligns with our standards. At this time there is no commitment from either party, it is more or less a two-way interview to see if you are a good fit for the event and for you to decide if we are a good fit for you.
3. Contracts
Next, our committee will decide whom to invite to Festival. If selected, you will receive a contract and info packet with our guidelines and insurance requirements. You will then send us your signed contract, booth fee, and proof of insurance.
4. All Vendor Meeting
Your next step with us to to attend the All Vendor Meeting to prepare for Festival. This typically takes place in June. You’ll hear info from our vendor committee, health inspector, and fire department and discuss any additional year specific details. This is also where you will hear your final booth placement if you have not already, and coordinate next steps.
5. Festival
On the week of Festival, you will be given a day and time to come set up. These set up dates are usually the Monday and Tuesday before the Festival. On Thursday morning, the first day of Festival, we will stop by your booth, make sure you know how to contact your liaison, and provide your close-out paperwork.
6. Wrap-up
After Festival is done, vendors send us their paperwork and percentage check within seven calendar days. We will reach out once again with a post-Festival review and survey. And that’s it — until next year!